This webpage was set up and designed on Nov 13, 2011 by Tyrone Vuong 王永健 Background music: 杜鵑舞曲
Here is a brief description of this trip by Catherine Tran of Class 69 Literature: The 69 Literature classmates Cindy Jue 韓蓮美 & Siu Lan Yen莫秀蘭, after their Spanish & Portuguese tours had come to France from 6 Nov. to 12 Nov. to pay a visit to the French classmates. A welcome party held on the 6 Nov. evening at Paris China Town Restaurant for their behalves. During the above mention time, Cindy & Siu Lan had visited the world wild known Louvre Museum, made the excursion to the river Seine & the Castle Chambord in the Loire Valley (160 kilometres from Paris), Avenue Champs Elysee, Lafayette Department Store, the Paris Vincent Park, etc. As we've known, Paris is famous for its gastronomy, fine food & wine, so attending the restaurants was one of their programs. They had taken some pictures with the classmates. 2011年 11月 6-12日,韓蓮美和莫秀蘭同學遠道從洛杉磯和邁阿密到訪法國, 與所有僑居巴黎地區的舊同學欣喜地會面和相聚。此難能可貴的重逢之會,透過照片與大家分享。
從左至右:莫秀蘭、葉熙甯、韓蓮美、林露瑩、楊惠馨和黃美娟於2011年 11 月6日 在巴黎中國城大酒樓聚餐。
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