This webpage was set up and designed on Oct 16, 2011 by Tyrone Vuong 王永健

Line Dance Web Page


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As suggested by Jennifer Johnson, a 1972 graduate and a member of the 2012 Reunion Party committee, line dancing would be part of our 2012 Reunion Party entertainment. we would choose two line dances to perform in our party. Nowadays many people do line dancing for fun as well as a kind of exercise which has become their daily routine. Hopefully there will be more KT alumni joining us in this event.


Bellow is one of the line dances I suggest be performed in the party.


Tyrone Vuong









Choreographed by: Unknown (Revised by Emily Ding)(June 08)
Music: 童年 by 刘文正
Descriptions: 32 count - 2 wall - Beginner level line dance
Right Diagonal Forward Lock Left Behind, Right Step Forward ,Scuff Left., Left Diagonal Forward Lock Step, Scuff Right
1-4 Right forward diagonal right, lock left behind, right forward , left scuff. (1:00)
5-8 Left forward diagonal left, lock right behind, left forward, right scuff. (11:00)
(hands moving forward , back, forward and claps)

Right Forward Rock Recover Left, Right Back Rock Recover Forward Left (Twice) (ROCKING CHAIR)
1-4 Right forward rock recover back on left, right back rock recover forward On left
5-8 (Repeat 1 - 4) hands rolling clockwise (right over left) (total 8 counts)

Right Shuffle Half Turn Left. Left Back Rock Recover Right. Left Shuffle Half Turn Right, Right Back Rock Recover Left.
1&2,34 Right shuffle forward ½ turn left. , left back rock recover on right (6:00)
5&6,78 Left shuffle forward ½ turn right., right back rock recover on left. (12:00)

Right Forward Paddle Quarter To Left, Right Forward Paddle To Quarter Left
1-4 Right forward paddle ¼ left, Right forward paddle ¼ left. (6:00) (both hands up rolling )
5-8 Sway hip right, left, right ,left. (weight on left) (both hands on waist)

END OF DANCE: turn and post... happy dancing to all.

**Optional: additional tag into this dance

TAG: END of wall 2, 4, 6 (before beginning wall 3. 5, 7) facing 12:00 clock
1-4 Right step side. Left touch beside right.. Left step side,. Right touch beside left.


























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